Tuesday, March 20, 2012

摘录 2009 电影 Prayers for Bobby 一段对话


"Do you have answers for all these things just to justify being that way?"

"Well you have answers to justify that it's wrong. I guess we're in an impasse here."

"So you think it's ok to interpret the bible in any way you want?"

"No, of course not. But the bible was writen and interpreted by mortal men. And many of those interpretations were reflections of the time and what they lived."

"So you feel completely free to question it? Because.. I think it's blasphemous"

"I don't think god minds questions. He might not be thrilled with all our answers. I think blind faith is just as dangerous as none at all."

"I've never question my faith. I've never had reasons to."

"Sometimes to question it helps you find a deeper faith."
  -- 电影 Prayers for Bobby








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